Sunday, December 12, 2010

Make a gmail recipe database

Day 12
I have to give credit to my husband for this one. For a long time, I've wanted to convert all my recipe books, binders, clippings, and so forth into a nice and tidy electronic database. My husband is a computer guy, so I've asked him a few times how I could go about such a thing. I wanted to be able to search by ingredients, or type of recipe, or the name. He told me a couple of times that I could just use gmail. Eventually, I finally believed him when he explained to me how it could do everything I wanted it to do.
Now I've only just started this project, but here's what I've done so far. I set up a gmail account just for recipes. I typed up a recipe using it's title as the email subject along with a few descriptions of it (holiday, dessert, pie for example). Sometimes you don't even need the descriptions if it's included in the recipe title, ingredients list, or instructions. Next I sent the email to that account. Now when there are lots of recipes in there, I will be able to just use the search function to find what I'm looking for and eventually I'll be able to get rid of the hard copies. Obviously, this will only work if you have computer access near to where you cook, but that's not a problem around here!
I'm looking forward very much to when my oldest daughter learns how to type so that I can hire her to work on the massive data entry project! One thing I have done to avoid some typing was to find the recipes that I got off the internet originally online again and then just copy and paste. Another option could be to scan recipes to include as attachments and then just include more description words in the email.

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